By: Carolyn Berghuis, MA, CTN, ND, MS

In the fascinating landscape of health and vitality, one cellular superhero is stealing the spotlight: autophagy. This incredible process, reminiscent of a natural detox and rejuvenation program, holds the key to a plethora of benefits, ranging from weight loss to anti-aging and immune health.

First and foremost, let’s dive into the realm of weight loss. Autophagy, the body’s ingenious mechanism for cellular clean-up, proves to be a game-changer in the weight loss journey. By promoting the recycling of damaged cells and supporting the creation of fresh, vibrant ones, autophagy contributes to a more efficient metabolism. This metabolic boost becomes a valuable ally in shedding excess pounds and achieving sustainable weight loss goals.

Now, let’s talk anti-aging. Autophagy’s ability to discard cellular debris and rejuvenate cells plays a crucial role in maintaining youthful vigor. The process essentially becomes the fountain of youth at the cellular level, countering the effects of aging. Embracing practices that activate autophagy, such as intermittent fasting, provides a natural and holistic approach to defy the sands of time.

Moving on to immune health, autophagy emerges as the unsung hero. By optimizing the performance of immune cells, this cellular clean-up process ensures that our defense mechanisms are in top-notch condition. A robust immune system becomes our shield against infections and diseases, highlighting the vital role autophagy plays in overall well-being.

One often overlooked benefit of autophagy is its role in preventing sagging skin after weight loss. As individuals embark on a weight loss journey, the fear of sagging skin can be a concern. Autophagy, by promoting the removal of damaged cells and encouraging the generation of new, healthy skin cells, helps in maintaining skin elasticity. This ensures that the skin adapts more effectively to changes in body composition, minimizing the likelihood of sagging.

In conclusion, the wonders of autophagy extend far beyond a single facet of health. Whether it’s shedding pounds, defying the aging process, fortifying the immune system, or preserving skin elasticity during weight loss, autophagy emerges as a holistic approach to well-being. By incorporating lifestyle practices that activate autophagy, individuals can embark on a transformative journey towards weight loss, anti-aging, and overall vitality. It’s not just about looking and feeling good; it’s about embracing the cellular magic that keeps our bodies resilient and radiant.

Unveiling the Power Within: Simple Steps to Embrace Autophagy for Health and Vitality

Unlocking the cellular magic of autophagy doesn’t have to be complicated. Start with intermittent fasting, giving your body a break from constant digestion. Begin with a 12-hour overnight fast and gradually extend it to 16 or even 18 hours or longer. A 17 hour fast  seems to be the sweet spot for many folks – when your body kicks into autophagy. Hydration is key, so drink plenty of water and embrace black coffee or herbal tea during fasting periods. Opt for nutrient-dense keto and blood type  friendly foods when you break your fast, promoting the nourishment of rejuvenated cells. Incorporate exercise and sauna therapy, they both enhance autophagic activity. Remember, consistency is the key – making these practices a lifestyle paves the way to harnessing the incredible benefits of autophagy.

Autophagy Ratio

Want to know if you are in autophagy? There is a quick ratio that will give you marvelous insight.

Grab your Keto Mojo and measure your ketones and glucose levels. Then, take your glucose value and divide it by your ketone value. This will give you your rough insulin value. Voila!

Glucose / Ketones = insulin levels (roughly)

Autophagy Awesomeness

  • Good Autophagy: your glucose/ketones ratio is less than 40.
    • 80% – 90% of cells that can be broken down via autophagy will be! Yeah!!!
  • OK Autophagy: your glucose/ketones ratio is between 40-80.
    • 30% – 40% of cells that can be broken down via autophagy will be! Yeah!
  • No Autophagy: your glucose/ketones ratio is over 100.
    • Don’t fret if this number is high – in the 300’s or even higher. After all, you can’t always be in autophagy – sometimes it’s time to have a meal!

If you would like to schedule a session with Carolyn or inquire about inviting her to speak at an upcoming event or retreat of yours we invite you to click here: Carolyn Berghuis, MS, ND, CTN

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