Feed My Sheep | They Will Suffer Too

Jesus knew there would be continued suffering in this world when he spoke those famous words to Peter – “Feed my lambs… Tend my sheep… Feed my sheep…”. Jesus’ time was fast approaching and in relative short order he would take his place at the right hand of the Father. Yet, Jesus knew his flock would need tending to after his bodily departure. And this human suffering, well, it seems to be the thing that continues to trip up God’s children even to this day. Why?

Freedom and Pain

Well, we do live in the middle of a spiritual battlefield, this is true. And like any battle – there will be pain. Concurrently, within the human psyche lives a desire to avoid pain – physical, emotional, and spiritual pain alike. Herein lies the conundrum. We will experience pain, while at the same time we have an internal desire to escape and avoid it. We want life to be easy, nice, and pleasant. At least I know I certainly do. But alas, that is not the way things always happen here on earth. Jesus understands. Even the Son of God was not exempt from pain. Being human, he too had a desire to escape pain. However, Jesus surrendered to the will of the Father and he accepted human pain and suffering.

Jesus not only surrendered to the will of the Father, he spearheaded the movement into freedom. He showed us the pathway into freedom, a pathway build on the foundation of forgiveness. However, before I get a little too ahead of myself I want to back up a bit. Before we can offer forgiveness I believe we must come to accept the fact that God is who he says he is – a good guy!

Where, and Who, is God

If we are to believe that our Triune God is a gracious, merciful, slow to anger, abounding in love type of God who extends his love to a thousand generations offering forgiveness and just correction to his children as we read in Exodus 34:6-7, then we must accept that God has a plan for our pain. He is bigger than our pain. God is indeed near the brokenhearted – scripture is true. God is near the suffering, the grieving, the fearful, the hurting – everyone who needs and calls on him. God is there – period. Or, Sacred Scripture is all a lie – which it is not. Our Triune God is close to his creation, tenderly holding all of us in the middle of his love, especially during our pain.

I know it is hard to experience pain. Human beings tend to be masters at pain avoidance. I have personally experienced deep pain and heartache in my life too. And perhaps like you, pain and heartache persists despite all my attempts to avoid it and banish it from my life. Yes, there will be pain in this life and it will persist – until it doesn’t anymore. Only God knows when our pain will come to an end. We are promised a new life in Christ – and again, we have a choice to make. Is Sacred Scripture true, did Jesus really promise new life to those who seek and follow him? A rhetorical question of course. Yes, it is true! Jesus Christ has given us new life, he has already won the battle – the victory is ours. If it is indeed true that the victory is already won (and it is), then why are we still fighting today?

Pain Avoidance

Resistance – human resistance to pain is the reason we are still stuck in our pain. How ironic is that. By trying to avoid pain our pain persists. Now, I’m not saying that we should run full steam ahead into pain – quite the contrary. What I am suggesting is that when pain presents, we must find a way to surrender to God and give him our pain. He knows how to best carry us – and our pain. Our pain can be the most sacred pathway into God’s abundant love and blessings if we choose to move through it in complete surrender to him. Many great saints before us lived lives with this surrender.

We have a choice to make every time we are confronted with trials and hardship. Do we surrender to our Triune God and turn to him in prayer, letting him guide us down the pathways of forgiveness, kindness, mercy, and love? Or do we surrender to the world and try to find respite there, taking things into our own hands?

Saints Peter and Paul

Both Peter and Paul suffered for the Name many times over. With a complete abandon to self these two men remained steadfast on their journey towards God. I for one am thankful they did! Of course they each began their journey with some missteps – a few whoppers right! We are in good company. Like Peter and Paul we will fall short and we will misstep on our journey as well. Yet, they knew the truth. They knew that God is, without a doubt, who he says he is. Our Triune God is the only One who has the ability to free us from all our pain – all physical, emotional, and spiritual pain.

God had (has) a plan for Saints Peter and Paul and he has a plan for us as well. Like these two great men, it is through our pain that we will move into the fullness of who we are called to be. Through our pain we will learn how to live as children of the light; children who love, forgive, and comfort one another until the time comes when God wipes away every tear from our eyes. Scripture is indeed true – “He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, [for] the old order has passed away.” – Revelations 21:4. In the meantime, the lambs and the sheep must be fed and tended to. Are we willing to surrender fully to God during our trials so we can learn how to feed and tend the hurting lambs and sheep – following the lead of our Good Shepherd?

Today’s Readings: Acts 25:13B-21; Psalm 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20AB; Alleluia John 14:26, 26; John 21:15-19

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The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. – John 17:22-23 (NASB)